Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

I laughed! Yes, I did. And you know what? I'd do it again!

Video games can be fun even when you're not the one playing them. I like laughing. And last Sunday I had the best reason to laugh. Thank you Bobbie XD

Schadenfreude is awesome. The happiness of the misfortune of others, can be thrilling and relaxing at the same time. You sit there, expecting nothing, hearing everything but not completely what is happening and then you hear it... a nice loud scream.

I laugh. Of course, I do, it's only normal, isn't it?

Before you even no why, or at least the correct reason why a person screamed can make you laugh. That is when its not dangerous, of course. But lets say, that you know a person will enter the room you are in after a while, and you feel the itch, the itch to jump them, would you ignore the itch?
My answer would be Hell no!
Adrenaline gets you going, when you think about the person jumping slightly into the air, eyes wide open with surprise and fear. How can you not love that? Before the person even enters the room, you wait, behind a door, under the table or on the ceiling, whatever possible hiding place you got, you are waiting. You're heart beating with excitement, you can't await the moment that person walks by you.

I laughed, not because I was the person who was going to scare someone, but because I was able to be there, or least partly there, when it happened. I'm still laughing when I think about it. Oh this joy.
Well, this doesn't really explains why video games? Well, it was maybe an hour into a game, which turned into one of my favourites, even without ever having of played it. Ah, Dead Space, what a good scary game you are. The whole hour I thought "Why the hell didn't she scream yet?" and then...a scream! I turned my frown upside down. Schadenfreude, as I said, is awesome.
Turned out not my best buddy screamed...but her sister. Well, at that point I didn't mind. I had a reason to laugh. Disappointment hit me after. I mean, come on, you wait a long time to hear one particular person scream, because of aliens jumping out from some door in a game and you hear the sister? Thank you unfair world.

Now, why did I talk about people scary others? Well, that happened and fulfilled my need of having a laugh at my best friend. thank you B's mum xD ... sorry Bobbie, but that was just great.

That would be my Sunday, one of a kind, well until a repeat, which I'm seriously hoping for. Laughing had been my priority that day, hearing Lumberjack Kai had been that of others, but never happened, what a sad sad day it must have been mwhahaha

Before Brie goes and calls me Bully. She did laugh too, and I might add, she laughed loud! HA, there you go you little sneak! Yes, you. I've seen that conversation you three had without me. Brie you are far from innocent, waiting till I'm gone to strike. I'm watching you.
As for Kera...damn you! I heard of what could happen if you let puppies alone at home, but leaving them with people? Well anyway, I'm not through with you two.  
For anyone else reading this...it's not as bad as it seems, I promise...

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