Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Roadtrip - Day 5

Kit Kat ice cream. 1. very interesting having a bar stuck in the ice cream. 2. not really easy to eat.

Day 5 started at 7am for me, I had no idea where I was and almost fell out of bed. But it felt so much like home that being there made me feel lazy. When I was a kid I could never look at myself in the bathroom mirror, I had to accept that even after 10 years I still couldn't but that styling my hair works great. We had a very good breakfast and left for Siegen at 9.30am. With a little stop in Elkenroth of course to take some pictures of places, of memories and of so much more with meaning.

Sadly we didn't meet anyone we knew, well, not anyone I knew better than Selinas childhood friend. We cruised around town and then left without feeling much attached again like we thought we would. It was one of the days I didn't really look forward to, but I guess it turned out pretty well, even if we sat in the car most of the time.

We saw a few cool things though, like one of my schools, Frankfurt, Mannheim, and lots of weird dreams... cause I slept 60% of the trip.

Again we ate till the buttons of the pants started to run. But it was goooood. And tomorrow it will be ice cream day :P go gramps.


Monday, April 4, 2011

The Roadtrip - Day 4

A trip back in time, back to days of innocence and absolute stupidity ... a trip back into the years of a 10 year old. The first three days had little to do with that, I've remembered a few places but nothing more. When we left Bonn and drove into the wonderful Westerwald, I hid one memory after another.

"OH, that's where we went for a school trip." "There, thats where I learned to swim." "Here I had to catch freakin horses twice in a row because I was an idiot."

Stuff like that sticks and it was pretty amazing. Being in Bad Marienberg was probably the weirdest, cause the things that had changed were small, but I could remmeber everything, where the ice cream parlor was, where the docs were and where I ran into a glass wall because I thought there was nothing there. We shopped some, drank some and discovered some.

1. The people here are friendly, way more than what we are used to in the last few years.
2. Mondays. Restaurants, Cafes and some other stores are closed.
3. Not only people, but also shops take a lunch break for 2 hours, making it impossible to do anything.
4. I love books even more when they are cheap.

The bookstore wasn't that big, but they had enough books to make me happy and for mum and dad to shake their heads in disbelieve. "You have enough books." :P YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH.
Getting a tripod, a book and clothes was a lucky hit, if I can say so.
We left BM around 3pm, driving to Steinebach, a little ...village? I remember living there for a little while, driving around with the neighbor kid, making his mum mad at me because her son listened to me and jump of a little wall. What an idiot.
When I was a kid, we drove around a looooot, but to me those routes seemed endless, taking up hours of my life. But when I saw the signs: "Elkenroth 2km" all I could think about was, what the fuck? I drove this route so many times, always sleeping through it because it was so long, but it was only 2km? Maybe it was this.
So much green :O I love it, hate the ticks but love the green and the smell.
We planned on going to Steinebach, but mum being smart said there won't be anyone there yet (they were waiting for us at that point) so we drove to Elkenroth. I didn't see anything worth remembering in the town before, even though I spend about 3 years there playing soccer, but nooo I didn't know where we were until we hit the sign that told me I'd arrive home.
Everything changed, more houses, more cars, more people. Trees were missing, garden gnomes hidden and the strange people lurking. It was weird being back, everything had looked so much bigger when I was small and memories hit me every meter that we moved.

It was spontanous but a good idea to go there today as well as tomorrow. I was so out of it that mum had to take the pictures. I couldn't believe how things had changed, how things had stayed the same over 10 years and how I still could remember so many things from when I was young. When we went to a family from back when we lived there, I couldn't help but stare at the kitchen, at the hallway, at the garden, everything even the smell was the same and it was wonderful. Of course, now I understand what my parents meant with Elkenroth being pretty small, I can see that with my own eyes now, but it was a good time back then, staying in a place so green and natural. There were people who remembered us and even greeted us like we've never left, which was funny, cause we didn't remember them.
Steinebach was a little different, I can't remember much of it but what I remember wasn't always good. We are staying with very good friends, but looking at the place here at the house we lived in ... how the hell did we stand it? Theres nothing worth calling cool here. Nothing worth being printed on a postcard. That's probably why we went out to eat. It was great, eating at the greek restaurant where we had eaten so many times before, where I've always ate the same: Salami Pizza. And it was cool how we sped up and down the hills with a BMW ... I think mum and dad were getting sick from hitting the curves that hard.

Tomorrow its going to be Elkenroth again, Mannheim and stuff in between. Surprises for me I guess.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Roadtrip - Day 3

With day 2 being the lazy day, day 3 started out to be full of action and endless driving around. It rained badly and walking around would have been the worst decision of the day, but it was actually pretty nice. It was a different rain, it was more natural than the rain just being there to make the worst place on earth even worse, here it's relaxing and with the rain drops hitting the Rhine something joyful. We drove around for about 3-4 hours, cramped in a Mercedes going anywhere on the list that we had made the night before.
"Why would we need a route? Random is awesome" something like that was said when we drove off. Right as rain. We were everywhere and we saw almost everything, we took pictures of things that were nice, took pictures of things not so nice, thats part of life. The rain made it impossible to take lots of pictures, we were also so in awe that it made it hard for us to lift the camera and actually imprint the thing that made us drool of pure awesomeness.

St. Augustin, Siegburg, Bonn, Köln (Cologne), Beuel, Melem, Pützchen etc. we saw so much, it was pretty damn awesome. Around 3pm we went and sat down in some sort of cafe or restaurant, right beside the Rhine, ships were passing, the view amazing and the water expensive. (I didn't want waffles :P )

Coming back home was nice, napping was the first thing on my mind and the last on the minds of my parents. They wanted to head right out again. I couldn't help it, I needed the air and I went with them. Again the camera always with us. The buildings here are all so different, you could take a picture of every single one of them and you'd never see the same style or building way.

We traveled by car, by foot and by ferry, it was fun =D
But the most amazing thing is here right over this house. I will let the picture do the talking.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Roadtrip - Day 2

When my first day ended, which was pretty much 1am, the day started for my parents and Maik. They spontanously decided to into the Disco, well they can do whatever they want, if they decide to go out late and drink until the sun comes up, suuure go ahead. They came home around 6am, I found one on the couch, snoring the day away and the others I'm not sure they made it to bed. Apparently they tried to convey a drug dealer from dealing, had pizza stolen by some guy and some other stories.

At 12pm the day started for me, at least it started with them being awake, before that I couldn't quite decide whether to play, sleep or wake them up with a high pitched scream.
It wasn't hard to see that the night they had was a bit more than what they had expected. They had their fun, I had my sleep. Spending all day home was probably the best idea for everyone, we had good laughs, I had more sleep that I'd need in a day, we watched soccer, received spontanous gifts (this more being for me :P new phone wooo) and we heard one song on repeat for about 2 hours and only noticing very late. The sun was so warm and bright, I think I actually got some colour on me now, and its not even red. Creepy I know.
It was pretty nice, even if some would call it boring.

Tomorrow is going to be a long one, looking at cities and houses, driving around and taking lots of pictures.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Roadtrip - Day 1

A roadtrip can be done in many forms and colours. Not every roadtrip is going to be a fun and joyful one, and not every one can end well. This one started without any complications, which was unusual on its own. My parents and I looking forward to six days of pure horror and stress. Our journey into the deep valeys, into the green and living, away from the flat, dead country of the north.

It was going to start great, no traffic jams, no rain and no car problems.
Ah yes, agriculture. The smell of fresh cow crap on the fields, isn't that the wish of everyone? Smelling this wonderful odor that covers the fields every year? No, thanks. After convincing dad that we didn't won't to fill our lungs with it, he decided to drive a little faster to get us out of it. His nose keeping him from smelling anything, lucky him.
While I started as the driver, wanting my own music coming out of the radio, dad, the co-driver, tried to convince me that my own music will only distract me and that the radio had much better things to offer. ... Like static. "There might be something after a few miles, just keep driving." There wasn't any music for another 30 miles and that's where we switched. Dad was forced by me and mum to drive, Hamburg moving closer and with that the evil Elb tunnel. The radio told us that there wouldn't be any traffic jams before the tunnel and we foolishly believed it. Seven km's before the tunnel entrance we got stuck.

Radio: "8km traffic jam in front of the tunnel."
Me: "...this would be a bad time to say I need a restroom right?"
Dad: "Best  time ever."

Seven km's took  us an hour. And every person that passed us stared at us, I swear it was as if they knew we had to go to the restroom and their stares were saying: "I got a full bottle of water here, and I'm gonna drink it in one go." Mum almost went nuts about it and started to stare back, which didn't really help, cause the more she stared the more the people stared and pointed. Did they even notice their own actions? The trucker mining a booger surely didn't, or maybe he hid some gold in there, he was from eastern Europe after all.

After the tunnel things went by pretty fast, falling asleep helps with that. The scenery changed from flat dead to bridges over water and then to greenish valley-ish forests.
Our first stop was Delmenhorst, the place looks like it hasn't changed ever since the war, it was crazy cause ... I was too scared to lift the camera. I don't know, but it might have got stolen from inside my pocket if I didn't watch out.

It was another 3-4 hours to our second destination. The best thing about German highways:
Mum got the first shock of the day when I told her to look right. While she moved her head I told her it was a car from GB, naturally the driver sits on the right side. Mum freaked and looked away, then looked again and took a deep breather. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Awesome moment.

We were now coming home. Home, as in green country with lots of somethings. I spend two hours in awe, remembering the old times, remembering my childhood and most of all remembering, that the last time that I've been here is almost 9 years back. This place is the best.

We arrived at our friends place around 10 hours, leaving at 9.30am and arriving at 7.30pm. His house is my dream house, he has a weird cat sneaking around in his garden, airplanes flying so closer over his house and he is still the same as I knew him as a kid. =P Can't wait to see the city tomorrow.